Saturday, June 19, 2010

Work and Practice via Teaching

So I've shot somethings for work (some images for promoting the climbing gym). While I can't show you those, I have some others from the same day up at At the end of the session, the climbers I was shooting started trying dynos (all points off jumping between holds) in the bouldering cave.

I really like the set of them, but if I had to pick two:

and this one:

And inorder to help me produce new personal work I've gotten some friends together of varying abilities. The reasons are several:

1. Shoot photos
2. Try new things
3. Accountability to not only shoot, but edit and post new work
4. Get critiques
5. Drink beer with friends

So we've met the last two Tuesday Nights and we've made a few frames, mostly of each other right now.

Tuesday_Nights_ Keegan_3


Here is a product shot a friend wanted to try:


Since most of the group isn't really experienced with flashes, I've been setting up the lighting for the shots and then we swap off the Paul C. Buff remote and make our frames. So when a friend suggests something they would like to try, i get to engineer the lights or reverse engineer the lights if they have a specific example. The strawberry shot is based off a photo by PVA_1964.

Equipment used in the photos above: Nikon D90, Paul C. Buff triggers and remotes, Canon 580ex, Vivatar 285h, Honl Speed Grids, Westcott Umbrellas and 28" Apollo Softbox, and a DYI softbox/strip-light

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