Monday, February 20, 2012


Back in January I was very honored to photograph some guys who grew beards.  Here are just a few:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"Start Something" - Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest & the Nike Bigs

Back in September I was asked to photograph pairs of Nike employees who volunteer as Big Brothers and Big Sisters and their Littles with three goals in mind:
  1. Minimum of 6 images for a fundraising breakfast and the kick-off to their "Start Something" campaign.
  2. Images also for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest chapter to use for their marketing/fundraising campaigns for the next 12 - 36 months.
  3. Because the breakfast is being hosted by the Nike Bigs, the photos needed to be edgier/different than the normal candids that are used by BBBS.
 Here's how it went down on Day 1:
  • As far as I know everyone involved in this breakfast fundraiser donated their time, experience, location or business services.
  • The first shoot day was at Ivey Performance Marketing.
    Studio at Ivey Performance Marketing
  • We ended shooting 4 pairs of Bigs and Littles on this day and it was a BLAST!
  • Huge thanks to the folks at Ivey for opening their doors to us and to allowing me to shoot with their Speedotron strobes  - otherwise there was no way I was going to light this space with my current lighting kit and no rental budget.
The shoot turned out great for the Bigs, the Littles, myself and the other volunteers (Designer, AD, PM, etc.)

The second shoot day happened in a racquetball court in the Bo Jackson Sports Center at the Nike WHQ in Beaverton, Oregon.  A racquetball court certainly beats a conference room if you are ever presented with the option.

We shot just one pair in a quick 15 minute session during their lunch.  Had another great time and was happy to see that the Bigs really are involved with making sure their Littles get some extra attention, do fun things, and are able to let loose and be kids themselves.  Apart from these photoshoots being a great opportunity for me to shoot something I hadn't done before, I really feel good about donating my time and services to such a great organization.  So if you can donate time or money to BBBS, then they can use it and are a great organization.

Here are couple of photos from the racquetball shoot:

Overall a fantastic time, organization, volunteers and kids.

PS: I'm no Chase Jarvis, but these images were inspired by his Seattle 100 project.  I wanted to give these kids and volunteers images that they would normally not have an opportunity to receive. On a micro scale, these Bigs are making an impact equal to the Seattleites Chase documents in his book.  So Chase, thanks for the inspiration, the sharing of knowledge and cjLIVE

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Urban Boy Scout's 1st Video

    This is my first video, shot and edited by yours truly. My very good friend and part-time underwater cinematographer, Mark Oronzio, sending Flying Squirrel - V6 at the Carver Bridge Cliff near Portland, Oregon (they filmed some scenes for the 1st Twilight movie here). Goes to show he works well on land or underwater. Check out his work at Tiger Shark Productions, some of his footage is in the new documentary, A Fall From Freedom.

    If you're interested in finding out more about the boulders at the Carver Bridge Cliff, please take a look at the Carver Bouldering Blog.

    Thursday, June 16, 2011

    Tools for Cutting and Other Work

    My wife is hosting a hair cutting party - long story - and asked me to do the invite to send to some of her girlfriends. The title for the party is CHOP CHOP SNIP SNIP BUZZ BUZZ. Here's the photo I shot this morning at 6:30 a.m.


    Before I started my sabbatical 3 weeks ago, I shot some other fun photos for work. The photo was used for a Wellness Center promotion called Picture Yourself Healthy. I created the photo frames and the faux Polaroid in Illustrator and then rigged a clothesline in my cube at work. As people send in photos of themselves making healthy choices, their photos will be dropped into the blank frames.


    A version with some mock-up photos in the frames (I shot everything except the tomato photo):


    Saturday, August 7, 2010

    Head Shots in the Garage

    Got together with my buddy Mark a couple of weeks ago and while I was unloading the truck to prep for a camping trip to the beach we shot some photos of each other's ugly mugs. To state the obvious: the photos of Mark I shot and the photos of me Mark shot.

    Here's the overall scene of the garage:


    Here are a couple of finished photos (I'm not entirely sure if the "neon" looking edging around us is the chromatic aberration from the Nikon 50mm 1.8 or the blue-gelled softbox behind us.



    And here are a couple looking out of the garage door, sitting on the tailgate:



    Saturday, July 24, 2010

    Impromptu Parkour

    I'm still doing Tuesday Night Photo shoots/walks with friends as a way to experiment and to be surprised by their randomness. A couple of Tuesdays ago, I was out with Keegan and Mark walking the PDX waterfront in Industrial NW Front (really cool angles and images to me discovered down there).

    We went by one of the hip condo buildings that is right on the river and it had a railing with some potential. I know Keegan likes to try things and has some pretty good hops, so I asked him if he could clear the railing. He did not disappoint.


    Saturday, June 19, 2010

    Work and Practice via Teaching

    So I've shot somethings for work (some images for promoting the climbing gym). While I can't show you those, I have some others from the same day up at At the end of the session, the climbers I was shooting started trying dynos (all points off jumping between holds) in the bouldering cave.

    I really like the set of them, but if I had to pick two:

    and this one:

    And inorder to help me produce new personal work I've gotten some friends together of varying abilities. The reasons are several:

    1. Shoot photos
    2. Try new things
    3. Accountability to not only shoot, but edit and post new work
    4. Get critiques
    5. Drink beer with friends

    So we've met the last two Tuesday Nights and we've made a few frames, mostly of each other right now.

    Tuesday_Nights_ Keegan_3


    Here is a product shot a friend wanted to try:


    Since most of the group isn't really experienced with flashes, I've been setting up the lighting for the shots and then we swap off the Paul C. Buff remote and make our frames. So when a friend suggests something they would like to try, i get to engineer the lights or reverse engineer the lights if they have a specific example. The strawberry shot is based off a photo by PVA_1964.

    Equipment used in the photos above: Nikon D90, Paul C. Buff triggers and remotes, Canon 580ex, Vivatar 285h, Honl Speed Grids, Westcott Umbrellas and 28" Apollo Softbox, and a DYI softbox/strip-light